by cpowellhonduras | Sep 13, 2016 | Agriculture, Honduras, Journal, life, Love, Missions, Pastors
Growing up in a christian home I heard the Bible applied to our daily lives more often than not. God gave me parents and a family that influenced me in such great ways and have made what I do now possible. One of the verses that I grew up hearing was Matthew 5:45...
by cpowellhonduras | Aug 30, 2016 | Honduras, Journal, life, Pastors, Trucks
As many of you may know Cynthia and I were blessed to be able to raise the money and purchase a great used truck for our ministry needs. Typically our month looks like a crazy week of pastors training followed by three weeks of driving for hours and hours up into the...
by cpowellhonduras | May 28, 2016 | family, Honduras, Journal, life, Missions, Uncategorized
Two weeks ago we were honoured to be at one of our pastors’ wedding! hmm wait a minute, a pastor and not married? Miguel and his wife Maria have been married since 1998 legally but had never stood in front of a pastor in a church. For whatever reason, financial...
by cpowellhonduras | Apr 29, 2016 | Honduras, life, Missions, Pastors, Uncategorized
This month we begun the study of Hermeneutics. That’s just a fancy word to mean the method of interpreting the bible. Although I was unsure about our pastors ability to grasp and wrestle with the hermeneutics process they rose to the occasion and really grabbed...
by cpowellhonduras | Dec 31, 2015 | Honduras, Journal, life, Missions, Pastors, Peace, Uncategorized
As I mentioned in the last post: A pastor can be pivotal in our lives, guiding us toward God and His purposes for our lives. Sometimes pastors can even save years of pointless wandering from happening in our lives.. If you have ever had a pastor in you life like this...
by cpowellhonduras | Dec 23, 2015 | Christmas, Honduras, life, Missions, Uncategorized
The Holidays are upon us and Christmas fast approaches. We have given thanks for God’s blessings and provision in our lives and we celebrate in faith that we will continue on this next year in like manner! As is common this time of year I have become nostalgic...