My Miqueas Family

Let me tell you about my Miqueas family… My family is short and tall some are from Central America some are New York one from Virginia and I’m from fla! I am an uncle to 39 children ages 1 year to 16.  My brothers and sisters are named tio Jacob, Tia...

Where do we go now?

Have you ever found yourself wondering what it is you are supposed to do in life? Have you ever known where you’re supposed  to be but simply cannot seem to get there? I have been in these places before and while they are a necessary part of our journey they are...

These old boots…

Nothing is better for your body and for your soul than hiking in nature; simply being part of something bigger than yourself.  Cynthia and I found these boots in a second hand store in downtown El Progreso for a few dollars (I think $15) and I was instantly in love. ...
Life, Adventure and Trust

Life, Adventure and Trust

Every step in life is unique.  Each new turn is filled with its own challenges and triumphs.  This season of my life has been filled with laughter, hard work, beautiful people and heart wrenching poverty.  Although I am a firm believer that everywhere you go “people...