by cpowellhonduras | Feb 17, 2016 | Honduras, Journal, Missions, Pastors, Pastors Training School, Uncategorized
The last couple of weeks have been amazing! We have been blessed to be able to visit with and share with friends and family what God is doing in western Honduras! As Pastor’s training rapidly approaches (March 22) we are praying for God to provide the finances to...
by cpowellhonduras | Dec 31, 2015 | Honduras, Journal, life, Missions, Pastors, Peace, Uncategorized
As I mentioned in the last post: A pastor can be pivotal in our lives, guiding us toward God and His purposes for our lives. Sometimes pastors can even save years of pointless wandering from happening in our lives.. If you have ever had a pastor in you life like this...
by cpowellhonduras | Sep 3, 2015 | family, Honduras, Journal, life, Love, Uncategorized
11:30 pm “Clay, I’m going to bed, my stomach hurts!” “Contractions?” “No, its weird but its not labor, I’m sure of it” After about 30 minutes I decided to ask again how she was doing (I have been annoying her because every little pain I have been convinced there is...
by cpowellhonduras | May 18, 2015 | family, Journal, life, Missions
Hello Friends and Family, We have 15 days left before we move back to Honduras and still need to raise half of our $2,200 monthly budget! We praise God for His faithfulness and provision through your prayers and financial support, and we do not doubt His plan and...
by cpowellhonduras | Apr 29, 2015 | family, Honduras, Journal, life, Love, Missions, Uncategorized
Dear Friends and Family, Cynthia and I are excited to announce several big things that God is doing in our lives. Enjoy the photo journal… First and foremost we are expecting a son! If everything goes according to plan by early September we will welcome our first baby...
by cpowellhonduras | Jul 8, 2014 | Agriculture, Honduras, Journal, life, Trucks, Uncategorized
One of the most valuable tools we have here on the mission field is reliable transportation. Cynthia and I are blessed enough to have a truck that is comfortable yet strong enough to make it up into the mountains when we need to (gas money permitting). Our truck is...