by cpowellhonduras | Aug 10, 2013 | Agriculture, family, Honduras, life, Missions, Uncategorized
Hello friends and family, Greetings from Honduras!! Today I finally took the time to publish a few of the videos I have recorded while working here in Honduras with Miqueas 6:8 children’s home. The people of Honduras live in such great need on a daily basis that...
by cpowellhonduras | Apr 23, 2013 | family, Honduras, Journal, life, Missions, Peace, Uncategorized
For some time now I have not written down my thoughts or even sat to simply think and collect my thoughts, but this weekend I was blessed enough to stay over at a friend’s house and enjoy a day to unwind. I have been in Honduras for just shy of 3 years now and as I...
by cpowellhonduras | Dec 31, 2012 | Christmas, family, Honduras, Journal, Uncategorized
Here in Honduras people don’t understand the concept of silent night. On midnight of the 24th everyone able to light a match shoots off fireworks and the feast begins. You might think turkey is the old standby, but here our diet for days on end consists of tamales...
by cpowellhonduras | Dec 3, 2012 | family, Honduras, Journal, life, Love, Missions
Let me tell you about my Miqueas family… My family is short and tall some are from Central America some are New York one from Virginia and I’m from fla! I am an uncle to 39 children ages 1 year to 16. My brothers and sisters are named tio Jacob, Tia...
by cpowellhonduras | Nov 28, 2012 | Honduras, life, Missions
Have you ever found yourself wondering what it is you are supposed to do in life? Have you ever known where you’re supposed to be but simply cannot seem to get there? I have been in these places before and while they are a necessary part of our journey they are...