Have you ever found yourself wondering what it is you are supposed to do in life?

Have you ever known where you’re supposed  to be but simply cannot seem to get there?

I have been in these places before and while they are a necessary part of our journey they are certainly not the most pleasant points of life.

Tonight however, I find myself in neither of these two places.  I see where I am to be and I can even see the path to get there, my dilemma is that I cannot make this journey alone.

The very nature of life as a missionary is characterized by a certain amount of physical separation from loved ones and traditional support structures like family and friends.

Missionaries also deal with what I call as the overtime myth.  When in the ministry schedules are changed more often than not and extra work always needs to be done.

While for most people the idea of extra hours has the added reward of overtime pay missionaries do not get in on that deal.  That’s just not how it works.  Overtime is normal, no big deal; yes its tiring, it can even be frustrating at times, but it comes with the gig.

Over the last few years living in Honduras I understand this concept, hence me being back in the states to let you all know my need.

I need support.

I need prayer.  I need encouragement.  I need financial partners.

In order to bless the beautiful people of Honduras I need your help…

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