Last Sunday Cynthia, Matthew and I were blessed to be able to visit with Pastor Alfredo Cruz who graduated from Pastors training school in previous years!

Pastor Alfredo, one of our graduates from a previous pastor training school.

Pastor Alfredo, one of our graduates from a previous pastor training school.

Pastor Alfredo not only received a firm foundation in training, but also administrates one of the 140+ child nutrition programs that we sponsor through local pastors and their congregations.

We were very impressed with Pastor Alfredo’s schedule for the feeding center/ church service.  It went like this;

~Everyone begun in the sanctuary for worship and a short (it actually was short) word from Pastor Alfredo

~The church divided up into several groups; 2-5 years old, 6-9 years old, 10-14 years old, youth and Adults.
~Each class had 2 teachers that were trained and had a written out lesson.

~One teacher taught the lesson while the other took notes on what was taught.

~The second teacher reviewed the subject of the lesson, bible verse, moral of the story and sang a pertinent song with the class.

~All the classes returned to the sanctuary and each class presented what they learned in class to the congregation.

The little bitties' reporting what they learned in class!

The little bitties’ reporting what they learned in class!

The mediums learned about God providing for Isaiah!

The mediums learned about God providing for Isaiah!

Big kids reporting to the congregation..

Big kids reporting to the congregation..


~As each class finished presenting their lesson they went outside and received lunch!

Kids waiting in line for food!!

Kids waiting in line for food!!

~Each child turned in their plate and cup and went home!


They explained that of the 120 kids that normally come there were about 50 that were not allowed to come because they were helping their family make money by cutting coffee!


Some of the kids walked up to 45 minutes to come to church and the reason that their parents send them is because they know that they will get a really good meal and come home full!!

Hello from Intibuca, Honduras...

Hello from Intibuca, Honduras…

Taking advantage of the shade while they eat.

Taking advantage of the shade while they eat.

Just hanging out, eating and enjoying life!

Just hanging out, eating and enjoying life!


Praise God for these pastors reaching their villages for Jesus!!

Full of Jesus and food :)

Full of Jesus and food 🙂

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