The last couple of weeks have been amazing! We have been blessed to be able to visit with and share with friends and family what God is doing in western Honduras!
As Pastor’s training rapidly approaches (March 22) we are praying for God to provide the finances to bring it to completion. We are still a few thousand dollars short of reaching our goal to be able to fully fund the training of the 57 pastors that we have signed up.
Our pastors work in very rural settings hiring out to work in neighbors’ fields when there is work to be found. On average they make about $7.00 a day which leaves very little room for extra expenses. In order for us to bless them and have them attend we are asking you to partner with them to pay the cost of the training…
The year’s worth of training costs $250 and will cover:
~Use of facilities
~Meals and snacks
~Study materials (Individual Curriculum)
~Support staff (cooks, cleaners) ~Transportation to the training center and back to town
~Study Bible and Bible Dictionary
You can partner with these pastors by giving here!
*Be sure to choose “missionary support” and write “Clay Powell Pastors training school Honduras” in the memo line.
Check it out!!
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