Thanks for checking out our page! We are missionaries who love Jesus living in the rural mountains of Western Honduras. We are here to train, support, and encourage local Honduran Pastors and work with them according to their vision to reach their villages for Jesus. If you have any questions or want to join our team, we’d love to talk with you.
-Clay, Cynthia, Mateo, and Olivia Powell
Pray With Us at 9:38
Matthew 9:38 says “..Pray to the Lord of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” We can see the great harvest that God has prepared here in Western Honduras and pray every day for God to raise up Pastors leaders and missionaries to help bring in that harvest. Join us! Set an alarm on your phone for 9:38 AM or PM and pray with us for God to send workers to his harvest fields!!
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