The result of training!!

  Last Sunday Cynthia, Matthew and I were blessed to be able to visit with Pastor Alfredo Cruz who graduated from Pastors training school in previous years! Pastor Alfredo not only received a firm foundation in training, but also administrates one of the 140+...


The Holidays are upon us and Christmas fast approaches. We have given thanks for God’s blessings and provision in our lives and we celebrate in faith that we will continue on this next year in like manner! As is common this time of year I have become nostalgic...

Muchas Gracias!

Thanksgiving week is here, we owe a few thank you´s to our team of ministry partners! Thanks to your faithfulness to give we have been able to: Plan and organize the first stages of Pastors training school looking to launch in March! Welcome our newest little...

Oh my truck!

As some of you may know we are experiencing technical difficulties with our ministry/personal vehicle.. It has been in the shop since we got back.  It has been reading hot and causing the motor to fail, but physically is not actually overheating. Our concern is with...